Original scientific articles
1. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. The influence of different machining processes on the acoustic properties of wooden resonant boards. CAS j., 1998, vol. 3, no. 5, series II, p. 15-21. [COBISS.SI-ID 2580507]
2. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. The frequency response of differently machined wooden boards. J. Sound Vib., 1999, vol. 227, no. 2, p. 259-269. [COBISS.SI-ID 3439899]
3. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Measuring the quality of guitar tone. Exp. mech., 2000, vol. 40, no. 3, p. 242-247. [COBISS.SI-ID 3843867]
4. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Tool wear monitoring during the turning process. J. mater. process. technol. [Print ed.], 2001, vol. 113, no. 1/3, special issue "5th APCMP, Seoul, Korea", p. 312-316. [COBISS.SI-ID 4431643]
5. ŠALI, Samo. Frequency response function of a guitar - a significant peak. CAS j., 2002, vol. 4, no. 6, series II, p. 31-36. [COBISS.SI-ID 5647131]
6. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Wood : an important material in manufacturing technology. J. mater. process. technol. [Print ed.], 2003, vol. 133, št. 1/2, p. 134-142. [COBISS.SI-ID 5167899]
7. ŠALI, Samo, Frederik HYNDRICKX. Modelling and Optimizing of the First Guitar Mode. Savart Journal, 2011, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 1. (http://savartjournal.org/index.php/sj/article/view/13)
Technical articles
8. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Izboljšanje zvoka kitare na osnovi pravila konsonance-disonance in odreza reber na resonančni plošči. Bilten - Slov. muzikol. druš., 1997, št. 8, str. 17-23. [COBISS.SI-ID 2533915]
9. JURKOVIČ, Jože, ŠALI, Samo. Identifikacija dinamičnih lastnosti sestavljenih nosilnih strojnih delov = The dynamic properties of composite supporting parts for machines. Stroj. vestn., 2002, letn. 48, št. 3, str. 143-157. [COBISS.SI-ID 5325083]
10. ŠALI, Samo, ŽNIDARIČ, Uroš, KOPAČ, Janez. Analiza zvočnih lastnosti kompozitnih materialov = An analysis of the accoustic properties of composite materials. Strojniški vestnik, ISSN 0039-2480, 2004, letn. 50, št. 12, str. 580-593. [COBISS.SI-ID 7894555]
Popular articles
11. ŠALI, Samo. O kitari - od drevesa do zvoka. EPTA bilt., 2001, no. 3, p. 87-89. [COBISS.SI-ID 4905499]
Published articles for a scientific conference
12. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Improvement of guitar sound by machining. V: KATALINIĆ, Branko (ur.). Proceedings of the 8th International DAAAM Symposium, 23-25th October 1997, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Vienna: DAAAM International, 1997, p. 293-294. [COBISS.SI-ID 2271259]
13. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. The influence of different machining processes on the acoustic properties of wooden resonant board. V: KEEFE, Douglas (ur.), ROSSING, Thomas (ed.), SCHMID, Charles (ed.). ISMA '98, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics 1998, Leavenworth, Washington, June 26 - July 1, 1998. Proceedings. Woodbury, NY: Acoustical Society of America; Montclair, NJ: Catgut Acoustical Society, [1998], p. 121-126. [COBISS.SI-ID 3727387]
14. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Acoustic emission in drilling steel and gray iron. V: DOBRZAŃSKI, Leszek A. (ed.). Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering AMME'99, Gliwice-Rydzyna-Pawłowice-Rokosowo, Poland, October 24-27, 1999. Gliwice: Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Organizing Committee, 1999, p. 321-324. [COBISS.SI-ID 3367451]
15. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Acoustic emission in drilling. V: SOKOVIĆ, Mirko (ed.). Proceedings of the Workshops on Model-based monitoring systems for cutting tools and processes, Budapest - Ljubljana, 1997-98. Ljubljana: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 1999, p. 55-63. [COBISS.SI-ID 3308059]
16. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Modelling of frequency response function of a guitar. V: KATALINIĆ, Branko (ed.). Annals of DAAAM for 2000 & Proceedings of the 11th International DAAAM symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Man - Machine - Nature", University of Rijeka, 19-21st October 2000, Opatija, Croatia. Vienna: DAAAM International, 2000, p. 415-416. [COBISS.SI-ID 3990555]
17. POGAČNIK, Marjan, KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Some theoretical bases and practical results of turn-milling optimisation. V: CEBALO, Roko (ed.), SCHULZ, Herbert (ed.). CIM 2000, 6th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, Lumbarda, Korčula, Croatia, June 8-9, 2000. Computer integrated manufacturing and high speed machining. Zagreb: Croatian Association of Production Engineering, 2000, p. I-047 - I-056. [COBISS.SI-ID 3746075]
18. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Measuring a frequency response of a guitar. V: WICKS, Alfred L. (ed.), DEMICHELE, Dominick J. (ed.). Proceedings of IMAC-XVIII: A Conference on Structural Dynamics, San Antonio, Texas, February 7-10, 2000, (Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference & Exhibit, 18). Bethel, Connecticut: SEM, 2000, vol. II, p. 1375-1379. [COBISS.SI-ID 3541019]
19. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. A specific cutting force in face milling of wood. V: KATALINIĆ, Branko (ed.). Annals of DAAAM for 2001 & Proceedings of the 12th International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Precision Engineering" : Jena University of Applied Sciences, 24-27 October 2001, Jena, Germany. Vienna: DAAAM International, 2001, p. 423-424. [COBISS.SI-ID 4839451]
20. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Optimisation of guitar quality. V: CEBALO, Roko (ed.), SCHULZ, Herbert (ed.). 7th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, Lumbarda, Korčula, Croatia, June 14-15, 2001. CIM 2001 : computer integrated manufacturing and high speed machining. Zagreb: Croatian Association of Production Engineering, 2001, p. VI-129 - VI-137. [COBISS.SI-ID 4416539]
21. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Brace trimming for tone improvement of a guitar. V: WICKS, Alfred L. (ed.), SINGHAL, Raj (ed.). Proceedings of IMAC-XIX: a Conference on Structural Dynamics, Kissimmee, Florida, February 5-8, 2001, (Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference & Exhibit, 19). Bethel, Connecticut: SEM, cop. 2001, vol. I, p. 805-810. [COBISS.SI-ID 4185371]
22. KOPAČ, Janez, STOIĆ, Antun, ŠALI, Samo, SAMARDŽIĆ, Ivan. The relation between the sound pressure and tool vibrations during the turning process. V: CEBALO, Roko (ed.), SCHULZ, Herbert (ed.). 8th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, Brijuni, Croatia, June 13-14, 2002. [CIM 2002] : computer integrated manufacturing and high speed machining. Zagreb: Croatian Association of Production Engineering, 2002, p. I-081 - I-091. [COBISS.SI-ID 5251867]
23. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Positioning of braces on a guitar soundboard. V: WICKS, Alfred L. (ed.), SINGHAL, Raj (ed.). Proceedings of IMAC-XX: a Conference on Structural Dynamics, Los Angeles, California, February 4-7, 2002, (Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference & Exhibit, 20). Bethel, Connecticut: SEM, 2002, vol. 1, p. 709-715. [COBISS.SI-ID 4968731]
Published abstract for a scientific conference
24. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Wood - important material in manufacturing technology. V: DOBRZAŃSKI, Leszek A. (ed.). Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Achievements in Mechanical & Materials Engineering AMME'98, Gliwice-Zakopane, Poland, 29 Nov - 2 Dec 1998, "Extended abstracts" volume. Gliwice: International Scientific Committee AMME '98, Orginizing Committee, 1998, p. 275-278. [COBISS.SI-ID 2875931]
25. POGAČNIK, Marjan, KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Some theoretical bases and practical results of turn-milling optimisation. V: CEBALO, Roko (ed.). CIM 2000, 6th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, Lumbarda, Korčula, Croatia, June 8-9, 2000. Computer integrated manufacturing and high speed machining : book of abstracts. [Zagreb]: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva, 2000, p. I-047. [COBISS.SI-ID 3746587]
26. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Optimisation of guitar quality. V: CIGLAR, Damir (ed.). CIM 2001, 7th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, Lumbarda, Korčula, Croatia, June 14-15, 2001. Computer integrated manufacturing and high speed machining : book of abstracts. [Zagreb]: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva, 2001, p. VI-129. [COBISS.SI-ID 4413979]
27. KOPAČ, Janez, STOIĆ, Antun, ŠALI, Samo, SAMARDŽIĆ, Ivan. Usporedba između signala zvuka i ubrzanja držača alata tijekom procesa tokarenja. V: CIGLAR, Damir (ed.). CIM 2002, 8th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, Brijuni, Croatia, June 13-14, 2002. Computer integrated manufacturing and high speed machining : book of abstracts. [Zagreb]: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva, [2002], p. I-081. [COBISS.SI-ID 5252635]
Other articles
28. ŠALI, Samo. Algoritem optimizacije akustičnega odziva lesa : poročila = Algorithm for optimisation of the acoustic response of wood : reports. Stroj. vestn., 2000, letn. 46, št. 2, p. 136-141. [COBISS.SI-ID 3660315]
Books, text for lectures
29. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. The bases of high speed machining : gradivo za predavanja v okviru programa SOCRATES ERASMUS. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2002. [21] p., illustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 5643803]
30. ŠALI, Samo, KOPAČ, Janez. Machining technique and experimental methods : basics with examples. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2003. ISBN 961-6238-74-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 125650944]
Doctor thesis
31. ŠALI, Samo. Algoritem optimizacije akustičnega odziva lesa = [Algorithm for optimization of the acoustic response of wood] : disertacija, (Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana, 1999 [163], 233). Ljubljana: [S. Šali], 1999. 146 f., illustr., graph. content. [COBISS.SI-ID 3350811]
Master thesis
32. ŠALI, Samo. Influence of cutting on the acoustic properties of wood, (Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana, Magistrska dela, 1036). Ljubljana, 1997: [S. Šali], 1997. 143 f., illustr., graph. content. [COBISS.SI-ID 1935131]
33. ŠALI, Samo. Vpliv odrezovalnega postopka na akustičnost lesa = [Influence cutting process on the acoustic properties of wood] : diplomsko delo, (Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana, Diploma thesis 4169). Ljubljana: [S. Šali], 1993. 125 pages., P 10, graph. content. [COBISS.SI-ID 1010971]
Final reports about research work
34. KOSEC, Ladislav, SMOLEJ, Anton, SPAIĆ, Savo, KOSEC, Borut, ROTH, Jože, KOPAČ, Janez, SOKOVIĆ, Mirko, ŠALI, Samo, BRESKVAR, Bojan, ARZENŠEK, Boris, DOBERŠEK, Mirko. Raziskave lastnosti in obdelovalnih ulutkov iz visokolegirane kromove litine za dele turbinskega polnilnika : letno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega projekta za leto 2000. Ljubljana: NTF, Oddelek za materiale in metalurgijo, 2000. 43 pages [COBISS.SI-ID 263007]
35. KOSEC, Ladislav, SMOLEJ, Anton, SPAIĆ, Savo, KOSEC, Borut, ROTH, Jože, KOPAČ, Janez, SOKOVIĆ, Mirko, ŠALI, Samo, DOBERŠEK, Mirko, BRESKVAR, Bojan, ARZENŠEK, Boris. Raziskave lastnosti in obdelovalnosti ulitkov iz visokolegirane kromove litine za dele turbinskega polnilnika : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega projekta v letu 2001. L2-2341-1555-00. Ljubljana: Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za materiale in metalurgijo, 2002. 58 pages [COBISS.SI-ID 332639]
36. KOSEC, Ladislav, PAULIN, Andrej, SPAIĆ, Savo, KOSEC, Borut, ROTH, Jože, DOBERŠEK, Mirko, TORKAR, Matjaž, ŠUŠTARŠIČ, Borivoj, RENKO, Mija, BRESKVAR, Bojan, ARZENŠEK, Boris, KOPAČ, Janez, JURKOVIČ, Jože, ŠALI, Samo, RAJIĆ, Žarko, ŠKAPIN, Miroslav, ŠKRINJAR, David. Razvoj litine in industrializacija vmesnika 714978. Ljubljana: Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za materiale in metalurgijo, 2002 [COBISS.SI-ID 372063]
Elaborate, study work
37. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Uporaba sočasnega inženirstva pri razvoju in izdelavi orodja za brizganje plastike . Ljubljana: Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2003. 7 pages, illustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 6179355]
Other monographs and finished works
38. KOPAČ, Janez, ŠALI, Samo. Obdelovalnost jekla pri žaganju : poročilo. Del 1. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za strojništvo, 2000. 11 pages, illustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 4117531]
39. STOIĆ, Antun, KLJAJIN, Milan. Suradnja Strojarskog fakulteta iz Slavonskog Broda i Fakulteta za strojništvo iz Ljubljane proširena bilateralnim projektom : "... pod nazivom 'Nadzor istrošenja alata' ...". Teh. vjesn. - Stroj. fak., 2001, vol. 8, no. 3/4, p. 40-41 [COBISS.SI-ID 5231899]